

Site news

Dec 19, 2021

Yago Herrera defended his thesis co-directed by Glòria Sala and Jordi José on December 15 at the Diagonal-Besos Campus. Titled "Models of stellar winds from X-ray bursts", the thesis presents a study on the possible ejection of mass through a stellar wind during X-ray bursts, quantifying its composition and possible contribution to galactic abundances, and characterizing observables magnitudes that can lead to better measuring techniques of neutron stars properties.

Feb 08, 2022

The City of Barcelona Awards 2021 have recognized the researchers Clara Prats, Martí Català, Dani Lopez, Sergio Alonso and Enric Alvarez of the research group of Computational Biology and Complex Systems (BIOCOM-SC) in the category of experimental sciences and technology for their contribution to the mathematical modeling of the epidemiological dynamics of COVID-19 and for its work in disseminating and communicating science.

Feb 21, 2022

Recently Grecia Guijarro has defended her PhD thesis under supervision of Jordi Boronat and Grigory Astrakharchik in the research group "Approaches to the first principles in condensed matter physics: quantum effects and complexity". The theoretical prediction of existence of a novel type of a quantum ultradilute liquid has been published in Physical Review Letters journal. It was found that dipolar interactions on their own are sufficient for creating an ultradilute quantum liquid in a bilayer geometry.

Mar 18, 2022

Xavier Navarro Bosque defended his thesis co-directed by Raül Rodríguez Solà and M. Carmen Casas Castillo on March 17 at the Vilanova i la Geltrú Campus. Titled "Spatial and temporal organization of rain in the metropolitan area of Barcelona", the thesis presents a complete study on rain in the city of Barcelona that includes the updating of its intensity-duration-frequency curves and the its areal reduction factors, the kinematic monitoring of storms over the city, and the possible effects of climate change on extreme intensities.

Mar 18, 2022

The group of astrophysicists from the Department of Physics at EETAC has prepared a series of informative talks on Astronomy and Space.

Apr 20, 2022

Qi Liu telematically defended his thesis supervised by Professor Manuel Hernández-Pajares on April 14, 2022, entitled "GNSS-based Global Ionospheric Maps: real-time combination, time resolution and applications on space weather monitoring”. The thesis focuses on GIMs including the combination of Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) from different centers in real-time, evaluation of real-time GIMs, investigation of the impact of temporal resolution on GIMs, and applications of GIMs on new indices about spatial-temporal components of the VTEC gradient as well as ionospheric storm-scale.

Apr 25, 2022

En Roger Ayats defended his thesis co-directed by l’Alvaro Meseguer and Fernando Mellibovsky on April 22nd at Campus Nord. The thesis, which is entitled "Exact coherent structures in the transitional regime of shear and centrifugal flows", studies the transition mechanisms in shear and centrifugal flows by computing and analysing the role of exact coherent structures.