
Talks on astronomy and space

Mar 18, 2022

The group of astrophysicists from the Department of Physics at EETAC has prepared a series of informative talks on Astronomy and Space.

Today's astrophysics, with the advent of powerful telescopes and large databases, is living a unique historical moment with the discovery of the history of our own Galaxy, the Milky Way, colliding stars or the formation of elements. of which, in short, we are all made up.

The astrophysics group of the Department of Physics at EETAC has prepared a series of informative talks on these and other topics in Astronomy and Space. 

The talks, open to the whole community, will be held on Wednesdays at 11:00 in the EETAC Assembly Hall:

1. March 23rd, “4MOST: Astronomy in the Age of Large Databases,” Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas.

2. April 6th, “Gaia, the Galaxy and the White Dwarfs,” Santiago Torres.

3. April 27th, “Galactic kinematics and the fastest outliers”, Roberto Raddi.

4. May 18th, “The oldest stars: evolution and nucleosynthesis.”, Pilar Gil-Pons.

5. June 1st, “t.b.d”, Jordi Gutiérrez.
