Master's programmes

Master's degree in Engineering Physics
The master's degree in Engineering Physics is oriented towards frontier engineering based on advanced education in physics. Specialist engineering fields such as nanotechnology, nanoelectronics and biomedical engineering require an ever-growing number of professionals who have extensive training in advanced physics and sound knowledge of quantum physics, complex system physics and device physics, which can be applied both at the nanoscopic scale and in large-scale facilities.

Master's degree in Photonics
Three universities and one photonics research institute in the BARCELONA area offer a comprehensive master's degree in PHOTONICS, the science and technology of LIGHT. PHOTONICS is one of the disciplines that will play a key role in the technology development of the 21st century. The Master in Photonics - PHOTONICS BCN aims at educating future researchers in this field and also promoting entrepreneurial activity in PHOTONICS amongst its students. Addressed to an international audience, the Master in Photonics is conducted in English.

Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering
The Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering allows students to acquire a deep degree of knowledge in nuclear energy’s theory and practical fundamentals as well as in the technology that is associated to the production of energy by means of nuclear fission’s mass production. The Master benefits itself from the existing collaboration with ENDESA and with the -CSN- (Nuclear Security Council). Furthermore, other institutions that are involved in the sector’s research ambit also participate in the Master, both in the educational ambit and in reception of students that are willing to carry out internships. An example of these institutions would be the CIEMAT and Spanish companies such as ENUSA, TECNATOM, ENSA, Initec-Westinghouse and ENRESA, amongst others.

Master's degree in Aerospace Science and Technology
The Master in Aerospace Science and Technology gives you advanced training in the sciences and technology that are currently most widely used in the fields of aeronautics and space. The Master program includes the study of theoretical and practical groundwork, techniques, methods and processes of current use in aerospace research.

Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering
The master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering offers advanced multidisciplinary training that qualifies graduates for professional practice as aeronautical engineers, in accordance with prevailing legislation (Order CIN/312/2009, of 9 February). It is the natural continuation of the bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Technology Engineering, because the skill set and content of the two degrees are linked and coordinated and because they have been designed with these professional competencies in mind.

Master's degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
The development of faster and more efficient aircrafts and spacecrafts, the optimization of the air transport and airports management for adapting to the rapid growth of the sector, or the innovation in the materials or the propulsive systems are just a few of the possibilities which an Aerospace Engineer could have a career in. The Master's Degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering aims to fulfill part of this demand, forming competent young professionals prepared to start a successful career in different fields of Aerospace.