
- Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Systems
- Bachelor's degree in Telematics Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Systems Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Systems Engineering and Telecommunications Sytems Engineering or Network Engineering (double degree)
- Master's degree in Aerospace Science and Technology (MAST)
- Master's degree in Applied Telecommunications and Engineering Management (MASTEAM)
- Master's degree in Applications and Technologies for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
- Doctoral program in Aerospace Science and Technology

- Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design and Product Development
- Bachelor's degree in Informatics Engineering
- Master's degree in Automatic Systems and Industrial Electronics Engineering
- Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Design-Barcelona (MBDesign)
- Doctoral program Erasmus Mundus in Interactive and Cognitive Environments # Program in Extinction #

- Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Food Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Agricultural, Environmental and Landscape Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Biosystems Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences (interuniversity UB-UPC degree)
- Master's degree in Aquaculture
- Master's degree in Plant Breeding
- Master's degree in Enabling Technologies for the Food and Bioprocessing Industry (KET4FOOD+BIO)

- Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Textile Technology and Design
- Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Systems
- Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Technology Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Vehicle Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology Engineering
- Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design and Product Development
- Master's degree in Management Engineering
- Master's degree in Textile and Paper Engineering
- Master's degree in Automatic Systems and Industrial Electronics Engineering
- Master's degree in Industrial Engineering
- Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering
- Master's degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
- Master's degree in Technology and Engineering Management
- Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Design-Barcelona (MBDesign)
- Doctoral program in Mechanical, Fluids and Aerospace Engineering

- Grau en Ciències i Tecnologies de Telecomunicació
- Grau en Enginyeria de Sistemes Audiovisuals
- Grau en Enginyeria de Sistemes de Telecomunicació
- Grau en Enginyeria de Sistemes Electrònics
- Grau en Enginyeria de Tecnologies i Serveis de Telecomunicació
- Grau en Enginyeria Física
- Grau en Enginyeria Telemàtica