
Site news

Jul 12, 2019

A study by an international team of researchers, led by ICFO scientists and with the participation of Jordi Boronat, a researcher from the Physics Department of the UPC, shows the controlled growth process of superfluid helium, layer by layer, in the surface of carbon nanotubes. The experiment opens the door to studying new phenomena at the nanoscale and, specifically, in transitions of topological phases.

Jul 29, 2019

Jorge Enrique defended his thesis coadvised by Daniel Crespo and Eloi Pineda on the 28th of June in Campus del Besos. Entitled "Study of the elastic inhomogeneity in metallic glass in the mesoscale", the thesis presents an analysis of the anisotropy of glasses using molecular dynamics simulations

Oct 16, 2019

The 'MEDIFLOOD' project, coordinated by the department, has created the first archive that compiles, identifies and analyzes 14,500 cases of rain and river flooding in the Spanish Mediterranean watershed in a period of almost a millennium. The information provided by this catalog will allow to increase the forecast capacity of extreme weather events in order to design the most effective adaptation and response actions.