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Mar 13, 2024

Candidate Yajuan Duan defended the thesis on March 13, 2024. The thesis, co-supervised by Drs. Jichao Qiao (Northwestern Polythecnic University, Xi'an) and Eloi Pineda (UPC), shows how the structural dynamics and atomic mobility of metallic materials with non-crystalline structure evolves during thermal and mechanical treatments. This study allows improving the pre-processing of these materials to modify and improve their mechanical properties.

Apr 04, 2024

A thermal fading of the quantum behavior in the large-momenta and short-distance correlations is predicted for temperatures above the anomaly threshold, by unveiling the connection between excitations, thermodynamics, and correlations in many-body systems. A general analytic expression for the high-momentum tail of the particle momentum distribution, which is valid for an arbitrary interaction strength and temperature and smoothly connects the quantum and classical limits, is proposed.