The students Marta Gili and Antoni Marzoa awarded the Sant Jordi 2024 awards of the Institute of Catalan Studies

Apr 24, 2024

The Sant Jordi awards of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans were held on Sant Jordi's Day, April 23, where some representatives of the Physics department were awarded

In this year's edition of the Sant Jordi Awards of the Institut d'Estudis de Catalunya, two students from our department have been awarded: Marta Gili, a student of the Physics Engineering degree, has obtained the first prize of the Catalan Society of Physics for graduation projects. His work, entitled, 'Reconstructing binary system histories through inverse population synthesis techniques, was directed by the professors of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Group of our department, Santiago Torres and Alberto Rebassa-Mansergas.

The other prize winner, Antoni Marzoa, ATP professor in our department, won the Jordi Porta i Jué Prize of the Catalan Physics Society. His work, entitled "The stellar formation rate from the Gaia white dwarf population", was directed by Professor Santiago Torres and presented as a Final Thesis of Master's
