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May 30, 2019

An international team of cosmochemists and astrophysicists, which includes Jordi José, a researcher from the Physics Department of the UPC and the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC), has discovered a meteorite grain forged during the final phases of a star disappeared a long time ago. Encapsulated in a meteorite collected in Antarctica, the tiny grain - only a few microns in size - has shed new light on the terminal phases of star life and how they sow the universe with the building blocks of new stars, planets and life.

Jun 12, 2019

The researcher from the Physics department has created an objective model that classifies the degrees of the iridocorneal angle, a key element for assessing the severity of glaucoma. With this model, ophthalmologists will have a tool to help patients make a decision when considering surgery.