Professors Dani López of the BIOCOM-SC research group, Albert Falqués of the DF research group and David Pino also of the DF research group have recently ...
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Professors from the BIOCOMSC research group talk about COVID-19 in the media:
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Professor Alvaro Meseguer of the research group of Nonlinear Fluid dynamics (DF) has recently published a book based on his experience on the teaching of ...
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We offer a predoctoral contract (PhD grant) within the project Smart management of Light and Sound waves by Metamaterials, Metasurfaces and non-Hermitian ...
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Santiago Torres, Pere Bruna and Pietro Massignan publish a collection of exercises and problems in the "Edicions UPCGrau", aiming at introducing advanced ...
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The BIOPHAM Programme is a 2-year study programme with courses in the University of Pisa (Italy), the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Spain), the ...
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Submission of applications until May 24, 2021
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