Alvaro Meseguer published the book “Fundamentals of Numerical Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers”

Jun 18, 2020

Professor Alvaro Meseguer of the research group of Nonlinear Fluid dynamics (DF) has recently published a book based on his experience on the teaching of Numerical and Computational Methods on Physics Engineering in the UPC

Much of the material in the book Fundamentals of Numerical Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers is derived from lecture notes for two courses on numerical methods taught over many years to undergraduate students in Engineering Physics at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ( UPC ) BarcelonaTech. Its volume is scaled to a one-year course, that is, a two-semester course. Part I is addressed to first or second year undergraduate students who have a solid foundation in differential and integral calculus in one real variable. Part II is addressed to slightly more advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate students with a broader mathematical background, including multivariate calculus, ordinary differential equations, functions of a complex variable, and Fourier series. In both cases, it is assumed that the students are familiar with basic Matlab commands and functions.
