The Master in Engineering Physics participates in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degree BIOPHAM, which will start in the academic year 2021-2022.

Dec 17, 2020

The BIOPHAM Programme is a 2-year study programme with courses in the University of Pisa (Italy), the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Spain), the University of Lille (France) and the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland). The programme courses are taught 100% in English at all partner institutions

The educational aim of the programme is to qualify students to a level of excellence in one of the two identified specialized fields: Track 1) “soft-matter and biopharmaceuticals” or Track 2) “condensed-matter and pharmaceuticals”. Both are also subdivided into two options: A) “modelling and simulation” and B) “advanced experimental characterization techniques” to take into consideration the type of approaches, numerical or experimental, associated with the two tracks.

The main goal of the BIOPHAM Programme is to fill the gap in higher education related to specialized skills at Master's level dedicated to materials science at the interface with pharmacy. This multidisciplinary approach is unique and requires the combined expertise of all consortium members.

The BIOPHAM rich education and training programme (soft-matter, biomaterials, physical states and transformations of drugs, machine learning, modelling, advanced experimental characterization techniques including instruments available at large scale facilities) particularly aims at emerging the new discipline of “pharmaceutical materials science”. It will help reducing the severe lack of human resources in this field in the vast research-based pharmaceutical sector including academic centres, big pharma, SME’s, spin‐offs, start‐ups, contract research organizations or drug manufacturers.

The BIOPHAM Master's course provides all students with various transversal skills such as competencies in entrepreneurship, project management, economic and strategic intelligence, marketing, bibliographical search and synthesis. Students also have opportunities to acquire other soft skills (intercultural communication, research experience and scientific communication, national language of their host universities) enabling them to easily adapt to their future international professional environment.
