
ETSEIB (Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering)
      • Bachelor's degrees in Industrial Technologies (GETI), Chemical (GEQ) and Materials (GEM) Engineering
      • • Project I • Project II
      • Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering (MEN):
        • Foundations of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Protection
        • Thermal hydraulics and Reactor Physics
        • Fuel cycle and Environmental Impact
        • Component Systems and Materials
        • Nuclear Power Plant Management
        • Project I
        • Project II
        • Regulations and Safety
      • Master's in Chemical Engineering (MEQ):
        • Energy Technologies
      • Nuclear Engineering Intensification of Industrial Engineering studies (to extinguish):
        • Nuclear Reactor Physics
        • Radiation Detection and Measurement
        • Nuclear Power Plants
        • Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
        • Ionizing Radiation Technologies

ESEIAAT (Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering)
      • Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering:
        • Energy Technologies
        • Foundations of Nuclear Engineering