
Research News

Riccardo Silini defended his thesis co-directed by Cristina Masoller and Marcelo Barreiro on July 5 at the Terrassa Campus. Titled "Causal inference and forecasting methods for climate data analysis", the thesis presents data analysis techniques to identify those processes that contain causal information for the prediction of a process of interest, and machine learning algorithms to improve the prediction of the climatic phenomenon called Madden-Julian oscillation.

As a result of a collaboration with researchers from the University of Córdoba, M. Carmen Casas and Raúl Rodríguez have evaluated the quality of the rainfall data of Andalusia available since 1870, long before the first modern meteorological stations were put into operation, and have analyzed the different rainfall patterns in the region in pursuit of the detection of possible changes caused by global warming

Eduardo Moreno Ramos defends his thesis supervised by Sergio Alonso at the Computational biology and Complex System research group on May 30 at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The thesis, entitled "Computer modeling of the polarity and amoeboid motion of living cells", employs an additional phase field model to couple the biochemical reactions inside the cell with membrane deformations.

Chen Gao defends his thesis co-supervised by Josep J. Masdemont (UPC), Gerard Gómez (UB), Jianping Yuan (NPU) on May 18 at the South Youyi Campus, School of Astronautics of North Western Polytechnical University, China . The thesis, entitled "Dynamics and control for continuous low-thrust spacecraft near collinear libration points", studies the dynamics and control of artificial satellites in collinear libration environments considering weak thrust