XXXIII Trobades Científiques de la Mediterrània - Josep Miquel Vidal


Oct 18, 2017 11:00 AM to Oct 20, 2017 12:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Maó, Menorca

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The theme of these TCM 2017 will be about the transport of electrons and phonemes, and the interaction between both, in the micro and the nanoscale. The subject includes the modeling, characterization and measurement of phenomena of electronic and photonic transport. The meeting will be held in the idyllic setting of the Menorcan islands and will serve to exchange the most recent scientific results in this area. The ultimate goal will be to establish new synergies among all attendees to improve the understanding of the electronic and photonic properties of the new generation of nanomaterials exploring the potential of new phenomena in the field of electronic and photon interaction.