NOTICE OF DEFENCE OF DOCTORAL THESIS: ” Hydrodynamic models of accretion onto rotating compact stars.”

Jose David Martin Rodríguez


Jul 07, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Sala Polivalent, Edifici C, Campus Diagonal-Besos UPC.

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The Interdepartmental Doctoral Programme 'Computational and Applied Physics' publishes the defence of the doctoral thesis


Títle: ” Hydrodynamic models of accretion onto rotating compact stars.”

Author: Jose David Martin Rodríguez

Director: Jordi Jose Pont

Date: 7 de juliol 2023
Hour: 12:00 h

Adress: Sala Polivalent, Edifici C, Campus Diagonal-Besos UPC.
the link of the tesis:

If you are interested in participating online, you must request access to the Secretary of the tribunal before 6/7/23 at 13h. by mail ( Mr. Domingo Garcia.

Departament responsible: Departament de Física.

Management Unit; – Programa de Doctorat en Física Computacional i Aplicada