DOCTORAL THESIS READING NOTICES:”Nonlinear optics at nanoscale: frequency conversion at interraces.”

Laura Rodriguez Suñé


Jun 19, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Aula de Teleensenyament, B3 building, Campus nord, Barcelona.

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The Interdepartmental Doctoral Program 'Computational and Applied Physics' publishes the reading of the doctoral thesis

Títle: ” Nonlinear optics at nanoscale: frequency conversion at interraces.”

Author:   Laura Rodriguez Suñé

Director:  Crina Ma. Cojocaru

Codirector: Jose Trull Silvestre

Date:  19 de juny del 2023
Hora:  10:30 h

Location:  Aula de Teleensenyament, B3 building, Campus nord, Barcelona.


 thesis link:

responsible departament:  Departament de Física.

Management Unit: Programa de Doctorat en Física Computacional i Aplicada