
Update of the Catalan meteorological vocabulary

Jan 31, 2024

Physics Department professors David Pino and Jordi Mazon participate in updating the vocabulary that dates back to 1948

On January 25, there was a project meeting to update the Catalan meteorological vocabulary, financed by the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC) and in which the professors of the Department of Physics David Pino, Jordi Mazon (IP ), Toni Hernández (ICE), and Marcel Costa (UPF). In 1948 the IEC published the terminological glossary that Eduard Fontserè drew up, which has been a reference at the level of the Catalan and international languages, since before 1950 only French, English and Catalan had a terminological work of meteorology. The update of this work, which includes the content of Termcat and the UPC meteorology dictionary, will be published in the coming months in online format, where new terms not included in any other glossary will also be included, and will contain a visual part to help improve the definition of some terms. The meeting was attended by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia, Termcat, the IEC, the language service of the UPC, and the 4 professors who make up the project's research team. The meeting proposed the creation of a follow-up group made up of members of the academy from different institutions involved with meteorology and language, so that this glossary unifies the different existing terminological works, is dynamic, alive, and promotes the participation of the academic community proposing terms on a regular basis. The glossary update has increased from about 800 entries to nearly 2000 entries. The first online version of the glossary is scheduled for March 23, and the second version, which will include new terms linked to aeronautics, is expected to be in September, coinciding with the closure of the project.
