Research day 2024 of the department of Physics at the IEC

Feb 07, 2024

On Friday February 2 the Research day of the Department of Physics took place in the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC)

The deputy director of the department of Physics Enric Álvarez led the conference and introduced the five speakers. There were four talks of researchers from the Department of Physics at different state of their research career. The invited conference was given by Cristian Svetina (IMDEA Nanociència Madrid) with the title “Novel wave-mixing schemes at X-ray Free Electron Lasers”.

During the conference, research prizes were distributed to the best phD theses which are currently developing in the department. Each student presented her/his research for three minutes in front all the members of the department present in the conference. The winner of the first and second prices were respectively David March (supervised by Romualdo Pastor.Satorras) with the poster entitled: “Honeybee like collective decision making in a kilobot swarm” and Pol Benítez (supervised by Claudio Cazorla) with the poster: “First-principles computational study of highly anharmonic chalcohalide anti-perovskite materials for energy applications”.
