Cristina Masoller interviewed at the CaixaForum and El Mundo newspaper in Palma

Mar 22, 2019

The CaixaForum in Palma de Mallorca interviews on March 28 Cristina Masoller, professor of the department in the group of non-linear dynamics, non-linear optics and lasers in the cycle of science "Navigating the complexity of the XXI century"

With the title How to extract information from complex signals? Studying climate, brain and giant waves, the interview deals with complex systems as diverse as climate, brain or ocean where Cristina has been key in developing the interest of the scientific community to implement a non-linear methodology in the analysis of complex climatic phenomena, such as El Niño.

The interview is conducted by Víctor Homar, researcher of the Meteorology Group and Director of the Research Support Office of the UIB, Juan José Montaño, general director of Política Universitaria y de Enseñanza Superior and Elena Soto, journalist of El Mundo Baleares. All the interview information can be found event website.

Overlapping with the interview at the Caixaforum, Cristina was also interviewed in the local edition of the newspaper EL MUNDO by Elena Soto herself within the Baelópolis section with the title Espionaje de señales complejas. An interview that we recommend.

