
Research News

Vrinda Krishnakumar defended her thesis directed by Dr. Oriol Monserrat on September 29. The defense was online. Entitled "Sentinel-1 data exploitation for terrain deformation monitoring", the thesis presents a series of diverse approaches to the PSInSAR technique focused on the maximum use of the characteristics of Sentinel-1 SAR satellites for the measurement of terrain movements

Martí Coma Company defended its thesis co-directed by Jordi Pons-Prats and Gabriel Bugeda Castelltort on July 26 at the Castelldefels Campus. Entitled "Optimization on industrial problems focusing on multi-player strategies", the thesis presents new hybrid optimization algorithms that combine evolutionary methods and gradient methods

On Tuesday 19 July, doctoral student David Arcos Gutiérrez defended his thesis entitled Optoelectronic characterization of two-dimensional materials at high frequencies, which was co-directed by Núria Ferrer Anglada and Lluís Ametller Congost. In the thesis, non-destructive characterization methods are analyzed, applied and compared at frequencies above 1 GHz, which are used to characterize samples of 2D materials on different substrates. The optoelectronic properties of two heterostructures are also measured. (graphene / MoS2 and graphene / WS2 on molten quartz) and are compared with those of individual materials

Rinse de Swart defended his thesis, co-directed by Francesca Ribas Prats and Daniel Calvete Manrique, on July 19, 2022 at the North Campus. Titled "Development and interactions of surfzone morphological patterns", the thesis presents an analysis of the development of sand bars and the coastline, as well as their interactions, on the beach of Castelldefels using 8 years of observational data.

María Caamaño defended her thesis co-directed by José Miguel Juan Zornoza and Jaume Sanz Subirana on July 12 at the North Campus of Barcelona. Titled "Network-Based Ionospheric Gradient Monitoring to Support Ground Based Augmentation Systems", the thesis presents a new concept for monitoring ionospheric gradients in systems installed at airports to ensure the safety of civil aviation operations.